Calm Talks

E48: How You Unlock Total Wellness: A Holistic Approach to Physical and Mental Transformation - Raj Trivedi

Adeel and Ant Episode 48

Welcome to Calm Talks, the podcast dedicated to helping you discover a life of peace and progression, one calm talk at a time.

Join us for an insightful podcast episode featuring Raj Trivedi, a renowned Transformation Coach. In this engaging conversation, Raj shares his holistic approach to improving physical and mental health.

Discover how Raj empowers individuals like you to embark on a transformative journey. He combines strength training, yoga, breathwork, and meditation into a comprehensive wellness program that fosters a balanced and resilient mind-body connection.

Listen in to learn how this holistic approach can positively impact your life, helping you achieve total wellness. Raj delves into the importance of holistic health, sharing practical tips and insights that you can apply in your daily routine.

If you're seeking a comprehensive strategy for improving your physical and mental well-being, this podcast episode with Raj Trivedi is a must-listen. Get ready to unlock the secrets to a healthier and happier you!

(0:00) Episode preview
(0:32) Episode introduction
(1:28) Personal growth and entrepreneurship with Raj Trivedi
(3:49) Transitioning from digital marketing to fitness coaching
(7:53) Partnership, progress, and peace
(13:31) Managing emotions and achieving goals through meditation and self-awareness
(17:41) Motivation and finding one's "why" through personal experiences and examples
(26:00) A holistic approach to health and wellness
(34:50) Self-belief and personal growth in sports and coaching
(37:13) Overcoming self-doubt and building confidence
(42:33) Episode summary

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Raj Trivedi:

One of the things we teach them is taming your tongue. Right? So being aware of how you talk to yourself, right? Because what you say is what you become. So we give our clients these different little tidbits every single week, just to be more mindful on it. It's just more than fitness and diet, right. But if you pay attention to how you talk to yourself, how you talk to other people, it's all energy at the end of the day.


Right, we're live. Hey, folks, welcome to another episode of calm Talks. Today, we have an incredible guest that we're going to interview. This person has close to a decade of experience in digital marketing, but he made a bold decision to pivot his career and focus on his passion on his purpose. Today, our guest focuses on empowering men and women to improve their physical and mental health with a holistic approach of strength training, yoga, breath, work and meditation. He's a leader, a mentor, and my great friend, Raj Trivedi. How are you today? Raj?

Raj Trivedi:

Gray, man, how you guys doing?




Ella. Good. Good. We're excited to have you on the show.

Raj Trivedi:

Thank you guys for having me. I'm excited to have to say I do give


you a great intro. Can you?

Raj Trivedi:

One of the best.


I've got to say though, we got to let you steal this steal the thunder, right. You got to tell us a little bit about yourself as well.

Raj Trivedi:

Sure, sure. I'm going to take you guys back to 1984. I kind of wanted to give you guys a little story of my background for you guys to really get to know who I am. So I wanted you guys back in memory lane back in 1984. That wasn't the year I was born. That was the year my parents came to this country from India. My parents came to this country to give themselves and their future kids a better life. They literally came into this country in 1984, barely with any money. And they also barely spoke English. They ended up working in factories in Bayonne and in New York City. And they struggled a lot. Right. And the reason why I tell you guys this is because my parents, they're the reason why I am who I am today, they literally shaped me. My parents had an opportunity when everything was going downhill for them. When they first came to this country, he had an opportunity to work at this convenience store a coffee shop up in Sussex, New Jersey, that's kind of where I am right now. They work at this coffee shopping convenience store for seven years. And then in 1993, they ended up taking ownership of the convenience store and the entire building. And that's when everything changed for me in my family. My parents worked so hard every single day to put myself and my two sisters into private school. They literally gave me and my sisters the best education possible, something that they never had. And that really shaped who I am today. They literally live the American dream, right, they worked hard to give themselves the best life to give their kids the best life and for me to be able to follow my dreams. So when when I talk about who I am today, it is really shaped by my parents, they both had loving nature's they were kind hearted. They were givers. They constantly gave to their friends and family, everything that they had, they sacrifice a lot. They even took risks, right to come to this country. Similar to what you guys did. It takes a lot of courage to do what you guys do what my parents did. And I kind of embody that kind of personality. Someone that takes courage, someone that follows their heart follows their dreams, and continues to do good in this world.


I was just gonna say Roger, I mean absolutely incredible to have like that sort of inspiration for you to kind of hone in on to kind of get draw inspiration from and, and take that into your life. How much of that played a part as you transition from a digital marketer to being in the space that you're in today as as a fitness wizard.

Raj Trivedi:

The transition was wild. You know what, when I after the pandemic first started writing in 2021, it was a year of working from home, right and doing digital marketing. So I was a director at one of the top digital marketing agencies in New Jersey and even in the country. And a deal was working with me too. So you know, it's how it is over there. And it was a blessing. You know, working from a startup company to being one of the fastest growing companies in New Jersey, having multiple Inc 5000 words, becoming from an intern to a director, you would think that everything is great, and it was but it got to a point where something was missing. In 2021. I was doing a lot of reflection, and I was paying attention to my health my health wasn't as well as I would like it to be. I noticed my weight was down I was 120 pounds, I've always been skinny. But I was burned out a bit. And I wasn't really paying attention to my health and my wellness. And inside, I always knew I wanted to have my own business, I wanted to either be a mentor coach or a teacher. I was even thinking about going to college and being a professor in digital marketing, right, because I had that background. But as I was working on my health and wellness in 2021, I started to gain weight and muscle. And I felt good about myself. So I ended up making a drastic decision by kind of going all in into this space. Right, I had no background in the health and wellness space, but I just jumped in, I figured you know what, if I'm going to figure it out, I'm going to go all in. And I got a lot of blessings from the chief, the seat CEO of the company, as well as other C level executives, they respected that, because that's how they started the digital marketing agency. And while I was in this space, I was interviewing a lot of people in our network, which I was truly blessed to. The first interview I ever did was with Mark Magna was one of the top trainers in Miami that he owns. He's a co founder of a gym called anatomy, which is one of the top gyms in anatomy, year after year, the everybody knows anatomy if you're down there. The second interview I did was with a man called Jay Carney yellow, and J card yellow. I was so excited to get him because his background was amazing. You have 50 cents personal trainer for 50. For 15 years, he trained Jennifer Lopez he trained Rami Malik for the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, which I love that movie, right? He has a queen bands.


That queen is one of the best bands ever.

Raj Trivedi:

Amazing, right? So when I found out, this guy is the man behind all this, I was so grateful to have that experience to interview him. And right after the interview we had we ended up having great report together. And he asked me, you know, what am I looking to do? And I said, I'm looking to find a mentor in this space, so I can be a successful coach. And then we were talking back and forth and get no digital background. All of his clients were in person. And my background was on digital marketing. But I didn't have much background in the health and wellness space. So we ended up merging together forces and become a business partners were recruited at 12 week online coaching program, that's all focused around behavioral fitness. That was back in 2021. And since then, we've been helping people all around the map, to help them achieve the best life they can by becoming healthier, happier and more confident in their own body. And to be honest, guys, it's been an amazing ride. Because everybody has a unique story we all do. And being able to help people transform after 12 weeks to seeing what was possible that they never believed. It makes everything worth it at the end of the day.


Obviously Andy and I have been working together on a calm talks for over a year. And we really want to we're excited to have you as our first guest that we can interview. And we also obviously believe in partnerships. We've been doing this thing for a year, we believe there's strength and unity strength in numbers. How important has your partnership been with Jay, as you've been working with him as you got out of the digital marketing space?

Raj Trivedi:

It's extremely important. I think the reason why we come together well is because we have both differences in opinions and different mindsets when it comes to a lot of different things. I know when it comes to putting out content, he may have a perspective of doing motivation type of content specifically. And then I try to bring out that we should talk a little bit more about our clients stories and the transformations. And then from working together, we try to figure out a nice balance, the type of content to put out how we can work together with our current clients and our strengths. Because we both have differences, right in regards to his background is in behavioral fitness. Right? My background is in yoga and meditation and breath work. So we kind of join forces and bring out the best in each of our strengths to really help our clients achieve their goal at the end of the day. So a lot of is compromising and just working together as a team. Because at the end of the day, we're we're all about our clients. That's the end game to help our clients achieve what they've always wanted over time, and all of our attention is always to the client success. And if we're always focused on that, we can come together with any differences that we have.


Doesn't always bring it back to you know, I do mention just that we've been working together ourselves and comfortable about peace and progression. And I want to kind of bring that back to you. You've talked about a lot about progression, how you where you started, where your motivation comes from, as of how it shaped you, but I also want to hone in on the peace aspect. How does that make you feel? How do you deal with your day to day I'm sure you have a day You say trials and tribulations? How do you deal with that? How do you focus your life? Also around balancing the peace with the progression?

Raj Trivedi:

Yeah, that's a great question. And I love the mission behind what you guys do. Right? I think having that balance between both is is very important. So how do I deal with peace specifically? What are they things that I work on is I've always been a spiritual man. I've always been fascinated about spirituality and being in tune with myself, connecting with myself inward as well as with the higher power, whether it be God source, whatever you want to call it. Those are the two things I'm always trying to connect with, and just be more in tune with. So the way I work with peace is one of the biggest things I do on a consistent basis is meditation. Probably since 2015, I've been doing certain retreats and working with specific community groups by learning a thing called Raja Yoga. Now, Raja Yoga is also known as royal yoga. I know Deepak Chopra calls her royal yoga is essentially the yoga of meditation. That's what it's called. So Raja Yoga, also known as royal yoga is known as a yoga of meditation. So what it does, it breaks it down into eight different limbs. And this is something that I practice to go back on the p side of things, it breaks it down into multiple different eight different limbs, from Yum, on how you treat others. niam on self discipline, and it goes all the way down to Samadhi. Samadhi is all about equanimous intellect, right? It's all about a balanced lifestyle, kind of what you guys talk about, you know, equanimity. I see that wrong all the time. But the state of mental and emotional stability, right calmness, having that with intellect, by being able to think clearly, that's the end game when it comes to what I practice. So I try to tune in inward when I'm, when I'm starting off my day, and the way I'm ending my day. So I can have a clear story and a clear end to my day. So I'm always in control of my thoughts and my behavior. Right. So that's how I, that's how I bring keys into my life.


So you start your day meditation, you enter daily meditation to ensure that you, okay, so throughout your day, sounds like the peace starts and you start and end with peace throughout the day, you focus on your tasks at hand to make sure you progress against your goals.

Raj Trivedi:

Yes, 100%.


What does peace look like to you? I think the one thing that we really want to hone in here is that everyone's version of peace is different. So we understand you might achieve it, but what does it look and feel like to you? Because what we try to do is help people understand what their version of pieces?

Raj Trivedi:

Yeah, that's a great question. When it comes to peace, I like to feel in a calm state, relaxed, being able to see things clearly for what it is, right not getting my emotions, not being attached to my emotions, I would say, being able to see things for what it really is and to be able to detach myself from different emotions throughout the day. So when I'm able to do that with a detachment, that's when I feel like I'm in peace, I'm in control, I'm balanced, I'm calm. That's how I would describe how I feel when I am in a peaceful state.


You know, it's, it's something that I've actually learned from you, I remember the first time I did meditation that was actually with you, at today's business. And I remember that the first time I sat down for 10 minutes, it was a concept I couldn't fathom, I couldn't imagine sitting in one place for 10 minutes not doing anything. And you helped me with that you are the person who actually guided me through that, which helped me be in more helped me be more in control of my emotions. And you mentioned emotional control a lot over there as well. Are there times that you feel like you're getting out of control? And how do you deal with that?

Raj Trivedi:

All the time, all the time. And, for instance, like if I see something, whether it be on social media, or I, my sister or somebody comes at me the wrong way just attacks me. Or even if a client or somebody is just not happy with something, right, and they're in attack mode and can bother me, right, because I'm a people pleaser, which is not always the best thing, right? I like to make sure that everybody's happy before I am. And one of the things I have to do is I have to just have to really check myself have to really come to the underlying issue of what is important. What are they really saying underneath the layer of madness, right? What is really the message they're trying to say? That's Something that I try to work on, I'm not the best at it, but it's the practice, right? I think meditation, yoga, anything is a practice to be better every single day. So the way I try to deal with it is by understanding what the real underlying message is outside of emotion, and then try to assess it in a calm, relaxed state, the best I can in my the best I can every single day. It's not easy. I'm sure you guys know.


Yeah, not at all. I mean, it's a journey. And you know that right? It's it's day in day out, trying to be present, trying to be emotionally regulating yourself. But then there's off days, everything, you know, everyone's human, you miss, you miss some shots. And that's normal. And I think that it's part of kind of an everyday journey, where you have to be paying attention to actually just regulating your emotions, so totally on that front.


How does managing your peace, help you attain your goals or help you take steps towards achieving your goals?

Raj Trivedi:

When it comes to peace, I'm able to clearly see the end game, the outcome, right? This is something that I've learned from Tony Robbins, I've always been into the personal development space for years, I've always looked up to Tony Robbins, and, and many other, you know, personal development leaders in the space, spiritual leaders and whatnot. And when it comes to specifically, Tony Robbins, that I've learned from is the first step into achieving any success is to knowing the outcome, be very clear on the outcome. Step number one, step number two, is just to take massive action behind it. And the way to take massive action is you have to face your fear, we all have fears, this is what stops us from taking action, the only way to overcome fears is to face it head on. So for me to the peaceful side, and hitting my goals is to be very clear on what I'm looking to achieve what I'm looking to accomplish and what that end game is. Be very clear about that. And then I can go into attack mode, right? There's no other distractions. It's not like I'm trying to do 20 different things at once. I know exactly what I'm trying to accomplish, whether it be my fitness goals, my financial goals, my relationship goals, I'm very clear on what I want. And I've never, I have not always been like that. And it's something I'm still always fine tuning, right? Because wants and desires and all these different things. There's something I never, I never really was attached to any of those things. But then as I started to get older and older, I started realized what really is important to me, and what's not. So that's kind of how I go about it.


I mean, and I usually speak about you know, having clarity in your why, you know, what drives you? What's your purpose, what's motivates you, what keeps you going on those dark days on those difficult days where you have to kind of drag yourself forward, right. And I think it's once you have a vision that kind of clears up in your mind, then motivation comes by itself. I want to ask you, though, Raj, like, what advice would you give to someone who's struggling to motivate themselves and goes through those tough patches?

Raj Trivedi:

Things for someone that's struggling to motivate themselves, they really need to find something beyond themselves that they care about. Right? For me, personally, it's not even about me, that I think about my parents. For me, it's always been my dream to retire my parents. That's my why. To work every single day as hard as possible, to spread love to help with different transformations, help with people's identities, but also give my parents the life that they've always wanted the freedom that they've always wanted. Right? So it's beyond me, Ray, it's not just about me, it's about my clients. It's about my my parents. So for anyone that's struggling for motivation, they need to figure out their why that's beyond themselves. Right? Because if we go about motivation doesn't get you anywhere. This is something I've learned through my business partner, Jay Carney yellow, he talks about discipline, motivation, I deal with family members, all the time with motivation. People just do things when they feel like it. That's why nothing ever gets done. Right? Everybody's in a mood, and I feel like it. No one is going to be successful. If they just do things when they feel like doing it. You got to do things, whether you feel like doing it or not. And that's discipline. And to be honest, a deal. That's something I've also learned from you. When we used to work in the digital marketing agency. You had your discipline, right, you're always on time. You had your standard with your work. You went to the gym, right? You took care of family, like there was a discipline there was no days off. You know, so I would say you need to find something that's beyond you to motivate you.


Yeah, I mean, when you have when you Have a plan and a vision that you've crafted in your mind. And then you're kind of working towards that you look at a challenge is just an opportunity to kind of overcome that overcome that speed bump, that road bump, whatever that case may be. So constantly moving forward, I'm glad that you know, you said that we've we've definitely gone a long way in working out together and everything like that.


I just want to circle back on that. So when did you realize your motivation came from something bigger than yourself? What made you realize that it's really helping my family, that is the motivating factor, the pushing factor for me to get up every day, irrespective of how I

Raj Trivedi:

feel? It To be honest, it's it's always been like that since day one. Right? Because my parents, they've sacrificed so much for me. And now I know a lot of people can't say that about their parents. But they've given me everything I've ever could ask for. And I'm not a person that asks for things, right? I'm very humble with what I want. I don't even want things at the time. But they're the ones that would give me whatever I may would ask for. Right. So in despite of how they may feel, not nine in spite of how they may feel, but they obviously do it, because they love me. And they care about me, right? So the thing is that they gave me so much love, care and compassion growing up in my whole life. They sacrificed so much, so much of their time and energy. So myself and my sister is gonna have a great life. And I saw that always since day one, I see my dad going to the store for four in the morning, coming home at 12. My mom 12pm, my mom takes the next shift from 12 to six that my dad comes from 60 to close. They've been working those type of hours for years, even till this day, they do ours like that. And I mean, my sister tried to help out as much as possible. They do enjoy what they do, right? It's not like they hate what they do. The reason why they still do what they do is because they enjoy it. So the reason why I had that motivation, in that why is just because I've seen all the sacrifices my parents made since day one, right? They're the examples, they work hard, they sacrifice everything. For myself, it's my duty to do the same for them. Right, they're giving me the best life I could ever ask for to help me follow my dreams follow my heart. I want them to have the freedom to do whatever they want when they want. Right. So that's how I came to my why


I think a sense of duty is actually really important. When you feel that it's, it's your duty you that you need to do it. It sort of gives you a motivation, when you don't feel like it. I think I do and I both actually resonate with that we've spoken about it on many different episodes of our podcast, it's interesting to know that you have this mindset, you had it from a young age. Is that because you saw sacrifices in front of your face? Or is it because you think he has some sort of intuition? And the reason I'm asking this question is because as a viewer or as a listener, that probably somebody may be struggling to find their why. And maybe they can't see the sacrifice in their life that someone has made for them. Or maybe they're just not privy to what's going on. So I just kind of want to dig a little bit deeper here and understand how you use you came to that was it because you saw them sacrificing with all them hours, irrespective of how much they liked it.

Raj Trivedi:

Yeah, I would say for people that are struggling to find their why, right, like outside of my specific story. They need to envision what an ideal life for them will look like. Right? What I try to tell people what I try to be as a role model for other people. So even if you didn't have the best life, right, your parents are terrible, they treated you like shit, and they just never took care of you. Every tragedy, every hardship is a blessing in disguise. We've all gone through them, whether it be heartbreaks, whether it be a death in the family, life's unfair, everybody goes through these different phases and different belief systems. But once you realize that everything is happening for you, not to you, once you started having different shifts in your mindset, that you know what, there's a higher power, God source, whatever it is, it's actually guiding you to become the best version of yourself. Right? We all have gone through them. We love that underdog story. Everybody has gone through those hardships to be who they are. So if you're struggling to find your why it's important to really hone in and work on visualization work on what the best you looks like. Right? You don't have to believe in God or anything like that. But tap into yourself. Right? Self belief is so important. And we all can go through different stages in our life where we don't believe in ourselves. But once you work hard, consistently, with repetition, on whatever your goal is, you're going to become a master at it. Right? So nothing comes easy in life. You got to work hard for it. So there's a lot of inner work that needs to be done as well too. So My advice for anyone that's struggling to find their Why is to tune in, work on yourself self discovery, figure out what the best you looks like. And just go for it. Listen, before we know it, we're not going to be here. That's what that's something that also motivates me to soulmates so much of our life, we're searching for who we are, right? identity and who we are, we're trying different things, that's what it's about, you're gonna try different things here, you're gonna fail at different things, you're going to keep moving, and you're going to learn and grow about yourself, one of my goals, or one of my values is growth. And I know it's one of yours, both as well too. Right? So it's important to understand what your values are, and just continue to go after it. Because listen, like at the end of the day, and what what does all this even matter, right? It's, you don't take any risks. So my thing is just trying to tap into who you are, and just go after, go after what you think is best for you.


And then he said something over there that really resonated with me around kind of going after it. There's a there's a philosophy that I'm learning about right now around stoicism, which is the phrase Memento Mori, which is roughly translates to the remember that you will die. And it's not in a morbid sense, but rather in an inspiring sense that, hey, your your life is slipping away every time you spend four hours watching Netflix or spend it on Instagram or things which are not aligned with your goals or your values. So I've been kind of actively practicing meditation where I will think about death, and in a sense not to be afraid of it, but to accept it. And also accept that time is fleeting, I can take the date the time that I have remaining on this planet, because we all have a finite number. I could take that. And then I could push forward. Or I could just waste it on Instagram, YouTube, whatever the case may be, because I'm definitely working through that. I know you focus a lot on having meditation as a part of your practice yoga, meditation breathwork, you have a unique focus on a holistic approach to health and wellness. What does that look like for you? Why is that important to?

Raj Trivedi:

Yeah, that's a great question. What that looks like to me, like when I talked about my morning routine, right, I think the routine is so important to give you guys an idea of what that looks like, to me. This is something I never always had never always was consistent with it. But once I started to work on this, I started to realize what a big impact it has in my life. So in the morning, when I wake up, I do have an accountability partner. So me my cousin every morning, we wake up at like 445 in the morning. And then we start our meditation practice. So from five to 520, we do a meditation together. And that revive 22. Let's just say 545. We do our Sun Salutation like a nice little yoga flow, we do six cycles of that to really get the body moving. And then we go into breathwork pranayama. Pranayama is all about bringing lifeforce energy into your body as well, too. So right now I'm feeling good, relaxed and recharged. And then I go into the day, you know, walk my dog, and go outside and just get some fresh air, and then start my day, right. So that's kind of how I go about my day and my routine. Why a holistic approach is important to me, because it encompasses what I've learned is that diet and exercise is only one piece of the puzzle. This is something that I've learned from my business partner, Jay as well, too. And he had a TED talk about this how diet and exercise makes you fat. Now, diet and exercise, of course doesn't make you fat. But if you don't have that one ingredient of behavior, you're not going to really see long term results after understanding that concept. And we actually had a program called the no diet plan. It's not about what you eat all the time, like understanding proper portion control and understanding what foods to eat and what foods to avoid is important, but we're not telling our clients you're going to eat a vegan diet, Paleo Diet, keto diet is none of that. So after working with him and learning about the importance of proper food, proper exercise, behavioral aspects. And in my background of just working on my mindset, my mind with yoga, and meditation. That's what I realized. I personally had the most success by encompassing all those into my lifestyle. So that's important for us to share with our clientele, because it's not a one cookie cutter approach. Right, the way we go about each one of our clients is different The first step is taking intensive bloodwork. We're all of our clients. When we partner with this company called insidetracker, that was created by these guys from Harvard and MIT. They're all about aging, genetics and biometric data, right? So anybody can utilize this company. But it's important to understand what's going on internally in your body, and then working on a plan that's best for you, right to optimize it. So that's why it's important to encompass a whole holistic approach, because it's not a one size fit all, you can start eating well, but if you don't, if you're not active, and you have terrible behaviors, you're not going to see the results that you really, truly want. Right. That's why a holistic approach is important for any success.


Now, you mentioned something over there, right? Which could you clarify what you mean by behaviors? Could you give examples of that for the listeners?

Raj Trivedi:

Yeah. So one of the things we teach our clients is, for example, one of the things we teach them is taming your tongue. Right? So being aware of how you talk to yourself, right, because what you say is what you become. So we give our clients these different little tidbits every single week, just to be more mindful on it. It's just more than fitness and diet, right. But if you pay attention to how you talk to yourself, how you talk to other people, it's all energy at the end of the day. So what we're trying to do is build these behaviors on a daily basis, we build it one step at a time, right? For instance, some of our older clients that are over 70 years old, they have trouble with their balance, right? So we tell them, practice brushing your teeth on one leg, because that's going to build your core. Right? And nobody thinks about this. But it's actually effective, right? Because we brush our teeth every day, right? As we should, hopefully. Right? And twice a day. Right? Exactly. That's a great behavior. You guys, you guys are on. Right? You guys have built that since you guys were kids. So now we're just building upon those. Right. And as you guys do it twice a day automatic without even thinking about it. That's what we want to teach our clients to do on a consistent basis, because people come to us all the time where they're like, Hey, guys, we, you know, we're working out every single day, but we don't see results, or you know, I lost 30 pounds. And then a year later, I got it right back. Happens all the time people get results. And then they go back to what they were because they stop taking care of themselves. And they did never had a behavioral aspect, right? There never was a behavioral component, or else they would have those results till this day. So any long term results, you need to have a behavioral component to it. And that's one of the things that separates us from other trainers out there.


And you mentioned that you really interesting actually about internal dialogue, or as you said, I think he was team your tongue. That's actually a great phrase. But yeah, I think internal dialogue is so important, because it's the relationship you have with yourself, is how you treat yourself. And I think that's actually really sensible to say how you treat yourself is indicative of how you will behave. That is actually really interesting that you honed in on that, then the inspiration behind that. How did you kind of get to that?

Raj Trivedi:

Yeah, I think that's something that we all at least I've dealt with. I know my business partners dealt with, we have those internal voices all the time. One of the biggest things that I deal with and I'm dealing with this currently, too, is one of my one of my things is not feeling enough, right and not feeling good enough to be a personal trainer, what do people listen to me and only have two years of experience in this space? You know, not feeling enough in any of the previous aspects, right? If the digital marketing to when I first started off at that, so we will have an internal dialogue is whether you choose to believe that or not. Right? So for myself and my business partner, we try to work on that. We try to tell ourselves certain affirmations that make us feel good, right? I am enough, right? I am confident whatever, like you don't need to go overboard with it, but it just, but just assuring yourself on these things can make a big difference, right? Because if you don't have people in your life, that like you guys, great friends countability you know, partners that can tell people good things about each other, to help elevate them. Not everybody has that. Right? So it's important to seek that as long as you can really work on saying that to yourself. Right? Because I can date your all your guy, right? So,


you know, you raise an interesting point. And it's like, I sort of realized this when I was younger. I love football as Americans call it soccer but you will never catch me saying Okay, so football, I remember I was talking about this when I was much younger one of my friends oh, you know, about football, obviously as coaches, right. And some of the best football coaches will have terrible players. Right? But why is that it's because you don't have to be the best player to be the best coach. Now you might have sometimes have lead players that are great that then become great coaches. That's true. But there are many examples of players that became coaches that were actually not the best players. So that quote, sort of really made me realize that you have to tell yourself that you're capable. Even if you yourself, sorry, you have to choose and you're going to be a good teacher, you can be a good coach, or you can be a good at anything. Sometimes you might not even have walked the walk, you can coach someone on how to walk the walk, if you can take inspiration from other people. And we've seen that with some of the most successful football coaches in the world. And that sort of realization, when I was young made me think, you know, I can do anything. I actually can do anything if I tell myself I can.

Raj Trivedi:

That's that's a great mindset that you have, right? Because people go through this all the time, impostor syndrome, right? I go through it myself, I'm sure you guys have probably dealt with it while starting a podcast. Right? So one of the one of the greatest things that I've learned from one of my mentors, he said this, he said, Don't fake it till you make it, own it till you become it. And that always resonated with me. Right? Because I, whatever you choose to do own a embody that that's something I've always been working on, for the last two years, is working on my embodiment of whatever I want to become, you know, getting into that energy, that frequency, that vibration of that person, my best self. Right? So it's something that I hope it resonates with you guys and some of your listeners, but it's important that no matter what you want to do, listen, we've all started. Day one, all of us, your favorite athlete, your favorite coach. Anybody, right, your favorite teacher, all started at the same place, with consistency and repetition and self belief. They've achieved what they what they have.


I think that's that's so important. I mean, we've all three of us have spoken about with, you know, I know, I've spoken with both of you individually, and also collectively about the importance of self belief, the importance of kind of being your own cheerleader, being your own motivator. Because yeah, there's gonna be times where you feel like you're not enough imposter syndrome is a real thing. And I know that a lot of people today struggle with confidence about not feeling enough. It's really interesting space, though, because a part of not being enough is also what drives you to improve, which is personally what I felt in my life. Is that okay, I don't feel enough, or I'll go do better. Okay, I don't feel like I'm fit enough. Okay, I'll still go to the gym. You know, it's actually motivated me a lot to improve myself. It may sound ridiculous, but maybe it resonates with you that not feeling like enough, has been so critical to my success. So Raj, I want to ask you this. What's better, to feel like you're not enough or to feel like you're enough? Which one is better?

Raj Trivedi:

You have to go through the process of not feeling enough, right? If you felt like you're enough, I think you're missing the whole point of life. Right? I think you're not taking any risks. Right? So I think the most important thing is to feel not enough, because it shows that there's growth on the next step, right, there's something around the corner that's going to transform you that you never expected. Right. So that's what I would say, because a lot of people have these fears. I know one thing that I'm always working on is my public speaking skills. I get nervous a lot when I talk into front of a crowd. It's something I've always worked on, still work on till this day, I don't think the nerves or any are ever going to go anywhere, whether I talk to you guys, or I talk in front of a stage, when I'm doing a TED talk, those nerves are always going to be there. And that's a good thing. Because when you know what that does, then that reassures you because you're alive. Right? That's what we're here for, to have feelings that have emotions, right? And to overcome things, right. So if you're not dealing enough, you're not taking enough risks.


I love the you know, I give the example. I've said this before to people that I know that Cristiano Ronaldo, the football player, the soccer player, he still gets nerves when he's taking a penalty, but he's learned to regulate his own emotion he's got he goes to the penalty spot, takes a deep breath every single time and then goes for it and shoots always, pretty much always he scores. And it's not because he's not nervous in those moments, but he's learned with repetition being there time and time again, grabbing the ball every time there's a penalty. taking that opportunity missing them several times to the point that sees even if he still gets the nerves today. He knows how to regulate himself. He knows how to take a deep breath before an important moment, like taking a pressure penalty. So I think that's also a really important element about just learning to kind of regulate yourself in those pressure moments.

Raj Trivedi:

100% I think that's a great thing that he's built upon, is pretty amazing to see, right? Someone that's reached the highest success, while the top people in his sports also feels nervous, right? For a penalty kick. It's a normal feeling. So if any of your listeners are dealing with this, or going through this, it's normal. Right? And it's a good thing. It's a good thing.


You know, Ronaldo is one of my inspirations. I know that and also does, you know, find a lot of inspiration from Cristiano Ronaldo, you mentioned some of your inspirations like, Tony Robbins was one of them. Who are the biggest influences your life outside of family and friends?

Raj Trivedi:

Yeah, I would say Tony Robbins has definitely been a big influence in my life. I would say another one has been the CEO of mine Valley, Mind Valley, or if he has ever heard of Mind Valley, it was one of the things that's that's played a big part in my life. When it comes to education, in the spiritual sense, in business, health, all the above, his name is Vishen Lakhiani. Just seeing how he grew his company, and and how he's collected all these leaders that help transform the world that Mindvalley is known as a school of transformation. And through some hard times in my life, dealing going through some of these courses, and learning from some of the top experts when with spiritual leaders and other experts in different spaces, they really helped me get through some of the hard times. So I would say vision is definitely one of my inspirations as well. Just because he's a leader. He's extremely successful, he's confident at what he does. He's all about giving. And he's created an amazing platform where people around the world can work together and grow together. So I'd probably say those are some of my top two inspirations. I just come off the top of my head at the moment, but there's definitely plenty more.


I love it. Well, Raj, and I know this has been an awesome awesome conversation, we have been so happy and so inspired by your journey, we you know, we of course, feel inspiration from the fact that you know, you had your digital marketing your typical corporate job and you kind of left that and you know, pursued your passion and you're kind of living the dream in the sense of building Brick by Brick step by step onto that journey. So we absolutely love that. Before we let you go, you know, where can people find you on social media? Definitely drop your Instagram or wherever, whatever your handles are, so people can go and follow you.

Raj Trivedi:

Yeah, absolutely. Listen, before I say that, I want to say thank you to both you guys for giving me the opportunity to speak on your platform being the first of many, many, many guests that's going to be able to talk about their stories and help make a difference in all in everyone's lives. Right everybody that's tuning in so I just want to give you guys a shout out the courage to start something like this and to grow it and to be as consistent as you guys are is very special. And I love your message about peace and progression. And I think more and more people need to hear that he's a lot of people are actually seeking that. And the way people that can find me is mainly on Instagram at Raj or AJ dot you dot Trivedi, T ri ve di, they can reach out to me on there. If they're interested in working with myself and celebrity trainer, Jay cardi yellow, just shoot me a DM with the word fitness. Actually, let's change that. Shoot me a DM with the word calm talks. All right. So I know you guys came from this specific source and work out a special deal for you guys. But thank you guys again for having me on here. This was a lot of fun.


Thank you, Raj. And, as always, stay calm.

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